The Wellbeing Award
We are delighted to have been awarded our Wellbeing Accreditation for Schools in recognition of the importance we place on putting wellbeing at the centre of everything we do.
Benenden Final Verification Report
Our Wellbeing Strategy for 2023 details our vision for Mental Health, as well as our next steps to further enhance and promote the wellbeing and mental health of all stakeholders (Pupils, Parents and Staff).
Benenden CEP Wellbeing Strategy 2023
If you have any comments or feedback regarding our strategy, please email Aimee Day directly on a.day@benenden-cep.kent.sch.uk
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Parent Wellbeing Workshop
Thank you to all of our parents who attended the Parent Workshop on Wellbeing which was organised based on feedback from our parent survey. For any parents who were unable to come, please see the PowerPoint detailing the Wellbeing provision in school for our pupils. Thank you also for your comments during this session which were very gladly received and which will help to inform our provision going forwards.
At our next planned workshop, we shall be joined by our Spurgeons Family Support worker - Clare Craggs. Further information to follow.
Provision in School
Within the school day, children are provided with a variety of opportunities to monitor and express how they are feeling. This includes feelings charts in the classroom that are monitored by staff - providing the children with opportunities to talk. Each class is following the SCARF PSHE Scheme www.coramlifeeducation.org.uk where the children learn more about how the mind works and strategies linked to emotional wellbeing, such as breathing techniques. The school uses a ‘Trackit light’ system, which primarily rewards positive behaviour throughout the day, but also enables the teacher and SLT to monitor whether there are any behaviours that may indicate that the child is emotionally struggling, and to provide further support.
In addition to this, we have a school Therapy Dog called Ogwen. Ogwen is a Border Collie and adores working with the children and has a special talent for spotting who might need some cuddles. He is on a timetable across all the classes in KS1, KS2 and attends Forest School.
Ogwen - Therapy Dog
Should a child need a little more support at any point, the school offers:
A named trusted adult to touch base and check on the child
Access to the Hedgehog room at lunchtimes to discuss problems or to have access to a safe, calm space.
A ‘drawing & talking’ intervention using trained TA’s. https://drawingandtalking.com/
Play therapy with our trained Play Therapist lotusplaytherapy.wixsite.com/
Wellbeing Champions
Meet our Wellbeing Champions...
Resources to Support Mental Health
Emotional Wellbeing - Reframe the Behaviour
Acknowledging anxiety and not supporting anxiety
We have put together a range of resources to support parents with children who are experience anxiety for various reasons
Anxiety Toolkit
We have created this e-book for you to refer to. It's full of advice, strategies and support available both in school as well as external website links and support group
5 Simple Strategies for Managing Anxiety (Pookie Knightsmith)
Helping your child with anxiety information pack (1 Decision)
The Little Book of Managing Stress & Anxiety
little book of managing stress and anxiety.pdf
50 Ways to take a break
Parent Support - Wellbeing Toolkit for Parents (The Education People)
Helping parents and carers to support children's emotional wellbeing in times of uncertainty.
This is a recorded webinar and costs £20 + VAT.
The aims of this session are:
- To provide you with a safe space to pause and reflect on your own emotional needs and the needs of your child.
- Explore the possible impact that the pandemic has had on your family.
- Gain an understanding on how to protect mental health and wellbeing in challenging times.
- Take away top tips for helping your child thrive through resilience.
- Start to build your own family wellbeing toolkit