Benenden Church of England Primary School

Religious Education

We aim to help all pupils understand the importance of religious beliefs and practices through theological enquiry in order to be religiously literate and reflect on their own place in the world. 

As a church school, RE is at the heart of our broad curriculum. Through rich and varied lessons and experiences, children and their families can expect to acquire a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and make links with other belief systems and world views.

Through an enquiry approach based on ‘Big Questions’ and exploration of resources, learners develop their religious literacy alongside their own beliefs and values. Our programmes of study known as ‘Understanding Christianity’ are taught based on the revised Canterbury Diocese Schemes of Work, which have been designed based on the revised Kent Agreed Syllabus.   The school’s Christian values of Love, Community, Friendship, Trust, Peace and Joy and spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is intrinsic to the RE curriculum and should have a significant impact on learners. We provide a wide range of opportunities for learners to understand and to make links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of the range of faiths and world views studied.

Religious Education at Benenden Primary will:

  • enable pupils to know about and understand Christianity as a living faith that influences the lives of people worldwide and as the religion that has most shaped British culture and heritage.  

  • enable pupils to know and understand about other major world religions and world views, their impact on society, culture and the wider world, enabling pupils to express ideas and insights.  

  • contribute to the development of pupils’ own spiritual/philosophical convictions, exploring and enriching their own beliefs and values.

Year Group by Year Group information is available in the curriculum matrix pages