Benenden Church of England Primary School


As a Church of England School we are inspected both by Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) and the National Society for Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). In the 2017 SIAS Inspection the school was judged to be “Good”. Comments from the inspection include:

"The commitment of the Headteacher and Governors in leading Benenden School as a church school promotes it standards of attainment and progress of all pupils well."   

"The Christian ethos of the school centred on positive relationships with all stakeholders has established a caring community that is valed and respected by all."

"Benenden School is a welcoming and caring Christian school that serves its community well. Relationships between all stakeholders is positive."

"Every pupil is valued as a unique child of God and, as such is, worthy of support both academically, behaviourally, and emotionally. This has impacted on good attainment and progress for all groups of pupils. "

Click hereto read the full report.