Benenden Church of England Primary School

What is Forest School?

What is ‘Forest Schools’?

There are 6 Forest School principles set out by the UK Forest School community which we will follow:

"Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term process of frequent and regular sessions in a woodland or natural environment, rather than a one-off visit. Planning, adaptation, observations and reviewing are integral elements of Forest School.

Principle 2: Forest School takes place in a woodland or natural wooded environment to support the development of a relationship between the learner and the natural world.

Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners

Principle 4: Forest School offers learners the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves.

Principle 5. Forest School is run by qualified Forest School practitioners who continuously maintain and develop their professional practice.

Principle 6. Forest School uses a range of learner-centred processes to create a community for development and learning.” 

Our Forest School ethos

At Benenden Primary our children’s motto is  ‘Adventurous together’ this is something that has been inspired by Forest School and the greater implementation of outdoor learning, as well as the excitement and deeper learning the children love to do in all other areas at school. 

We provide outdoor learning opportunities for children in an environment where they will always achieve which helps to develop their confidence, independence and social skills by providing opportunities and hands on experiences where children will always succeed. 

The children will embark on challenges in the outdoors both self-led and adult-guided. They will be experiences that provide children with opportunities to manage their own risk whilst learning and becoming closer to their natural surroundings.