Benenden Church of England Primary School

Year 3 Kingfishers

Meet the Teaching Team

This Week 



At home

Welcome to Class 3 Kingfishers! 

Welcome to the Kingfisher Class page. Kingfisher class is exactly the middle class in the school and as such we consider it pivotal. It is the transition from KS1 to more independent learning and more formal work in KS2. It is during this year that our children will grow in maturity and independence which will set them in good stead for future years. 

Please can you help by ensuring that your child reads 5 times a week for at least 20 minutes and check they know all their number bonds to10 and 20, this includes knowing the numbers within these such as numbers that make 8, or 11 or 17 and looking at addition and subtraction. Can they do 17-8 12-7 etc. They should all know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and we will be working on the 3s, 4s and 8s to start with. Our TTRS site will also help with this.