Benenden Church of England Primary School

Year 4 Robins

Meet the Teaching Team

This Week 



At Home

Welcome to Y4 Robins Class.  

This year we will be busy preparing ourselves for the transition to upper Key Stage 2 and learning to become more focussed, independent, mature and responsible learners; whilst having a lot of fun!  

We will become more inquisitive learners, critical and eager to question and know more.  There will be a massive emphasis on learning skills across the curriculum.  Children are constantly challenged to question, think, remember and add to our learning skills.

We will instinctively know when to use technology for specific tasks, but for others, know when more traditional methods are more appropriate.  We will develop a deep understanding about mathematical concepts through hands-on activities and apply our knowledge using real life mathematical problems. We will become confident, structured writers, developing more complex sentences, in a cursive handwriting style with accurate spellings that have relied on a variety of learning strategies.  We will read with care and understanding and speak with confidence and expression.

Within the first few weeks of returning to school, after such a long break from the classroom, focusing on our our well-being will also be a central part of our day-to-day routine, ensuring that we have a class of happy and healthy learners.